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  • Writer's pictureJohn Phillips

Recharge Your Spiritual Battery: Embrace Rest and Renewal

man reading bible next to pond

Valerie and I use our cell phones all of the time, but it’s aggravating when we really need to talk and the battery goes dead! When that happens, the only thing that we can do is to stop using the phone for a while and plug it in so that it can be recharged.

You know, it got me thinking that, just like our cell phones need to be recharged so they can be of service, we need to recharge, too! Do you feel stressed, fatigued, more impatient and irritable than usual?

It may be a sign that your spiritual battery is running down fast and needs to be re- charged! The truth of the matter is that God knows we need time to rest and recharge. It’s a part of the Sabbath principle that He created for mankind. God made us so that we should take regular rest to recharge and be ready to render greater service to Him!

Remember those familiar words of David, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul." (Psalm 23)

Just as it takes down time to recharge the battery of a cell phone, you and I need down time to recharge our spiritual batteries! We all need some time when we can stand back and re-examine our priorities in order to recharge our lives. Without this spiritual recharging, we literally begin to burn out!

My friends; don’t let your spiritual battery continue to run down. Our physical, emotional and spiritual needs can drain us unless we stop to recharge. I urge you to do that today and, as you do, you'll find out that our God created us in such a way that when we take time out to rest, restore and recharge, then we actually get a lot more done than we would otherwise.


John Phillips and Chuck Monan Podcast image for Pinnacle Church of Christ

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