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  • Writer's pictureJohn Phillips

Healing the Hurts: Finding Trust and Love, Just Like 'Big Ears' the Dog.

Pinnacle Church of Christ; trust and love

It was one of those lazy Saturday mornings that Valerie and I love to spend drinking coffee and looking out over our deck.  But this day we were in for a surprise when quite possibly the cutest little dog in the world wandered into our yard.  We don’t know where he came from or who he belonged to, only that he had these adorable big floppy ears!  In fact, that’s what we called him, “Big Ears”.  We watched him romp around in our yard for a while, but when we tried to get close to play with him, he tucked his tail in fright and ran away!  In a puppy, that’s a pretty sure sign that someone had mistreated him and he was afraid to trust anyone again!

Too hurt to trust anyone. You know, it got me to thinking, that’s not just something that happens to puppies, it happens to people also.  Maybe you feel that way. Somewhere along life’s journey you've been hurt, abandoned, betrayed, or mistreated. Just like that little dog, you're afraid to let anyone get close and love you. You may have built up an outward defense to make sure no one does; but inside you're really just afraid that you’ll be hurt if you trust anyone again. 

Listen to what the bible says in I Jn. 4:18-19, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.  We love him, because he first loved us.”  You see, there's someone who wants to move closer in your direction, someone with outstretched arms, not to hurt you but to hold you and to heal you. It's Jesus, and the love of God He offers holds the healing for our broken hearts and broken lives.

Sadly, many turn away afraid to put their trust in Jesus.  It’s hard to "trust" when you’ve been hurt, but you can't go on hurting, hiding and being alone. I urge you to trust Jesus today.  When you look at His hands and feet, the thorns on His brow, the wound in His side, you’ll realize that it is your sin He died to pay for. You can trust Jesus because He loved you enough to die for you. He's waiting for you to turn your life over to Him so He can start the healing process that only He can bring.  

I don't know what hurts you've been through, but Jesus does and as He approaches through His word today, don't run from His open arms. He has the healing that your heart has been waiting for.


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