I’m pretty sure that Chuck and I are the only two sports nuts that remember the unfortunate accident involving the racehorse “Barbaro” breaking his leg after the Kentucky Derby. Now Valerie and I consider ourselves animal lovers as much as the next person, but what occurred after that incident made us wonder if we’re missing something! Following the news of the horse breaking his leg, the animal hospital was flooded with signs expressing prayers and well wishes left by people. "We love you, Barbaro." "Believe in Miracles." "Beat the Odds." Some signs were adorned with pictures; others were signed by families who filed out of their cars to add a token of support. Dozens of roses and baskets of apples, carrots, peppermints filled the lobby.
You know it got me to thinking; wouldn’t it be nice if we were all as caring towards people as these people were towards a horse? Listen, I don’t know if Barbaro could read all the cards and signs or if he really cared about the pretty flowers. Hey, maybe he can, if Mr. Ed could talk; maybe Barbaro could read! But I know that there are a lot of people who are sick or hurting or lonely who would certainly be uplifted and encouraged if only someone would take the time to show the same kindness to them as some have done for a horse!
James says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (Jms. 1:27)
There’s nothing wrong with being kind hearted towards animals, in fact it’s a good trait to possess. However, James makes the point that God’s expectation of His people is that we be quick extend even more kindness towards people in need than we do towards anything else. Let me ask you, is there someone you know about who is in need of encouragement today? If so, I urge you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities for service here at Pinnacle to make a difference for good in someone’s life today!